Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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20.target settingsのなかでターゲットを変更する

20.target settingsのなかでターゲットを変更する

The target settings dialog is reached by clicking the Build settings button in the C/C++ perspective of TrueSTUDIO (V.3.0 and newer)

Target settings

This dialog simply displays the settings that applies globally to the selected project. It is not the intention that user shall be able to change microcontroller or evaluation board in this dialog. It is possible to change these settings - but not recommended unless user is certain about that the microcontroller changed to is very similar to the microcontroller that this project was generated for. Build settings for the toolchains will be changed but no new libraries will be generated and thus changing to a microcontroller of another architecture will render the included run-time libraries useless. User is instead recommended to generate a new project for the second microcontroller!

It is possible to change the Code locations option, which will generate a new linker script into the project. To make this new linker script actually apply to the build process, the linker script must be pointed out to the linker. This is done by navigating to Tool settings > C Linker > General, here change the Linker script (*.ld) that is being used. Also user must do a clean build for the linker to actually consider this new linker script!