Last update2016/05/28 14:38

Back 現在地: Home パートナー SCIOPTA パートナー Atollic 25.なぜコンパイルの時間が増えていくのですか?



After using the product for some time, some users experience that build times are increasing. Except for the natural cause of an increased application size, this might also be caused by running a batch-build of many projects at the same time by mistake (as you might have added more projects to the workspace).

By issuing the menu command "Project, Build all", all opened projects in the workspace will be built in batch-mode. To build only one project (which is probably what you intend most often), either close all other projects and use the menu command "Project, Build all" again, or use the menu command "Project, Build Project" instead.

Closing a project is done by right-clicking on the project root node in the Project Explorer view tree, and selecting the "Close Project" menu command in the context menu.