Last update2016/05/28 14:38

27.なぜBuild settings ダイアログでコマンドオプションが無効になっていますか?

27.なぜBuild settings ダイアログでコマンドオプションが無効になっていますか?

In the commercial versions of Atollic TrueSTUDIO, command line options can be configured using GUI widgets in the "Project Properties, Build settings" dialog box.

In the free Lite version, this feature is disabled and developers must add command line options (such as -Wall, -Os, etc) manually by entering them in the "Other options" field in the "Miscellaneous" panel.

Upgrade to a commercial version of the product to get access to GUI configuration of command line options.

26.なぜプロジェクトをリンクしているときに 'Undefined reference to malloc_getpagesize_P'が表示されますか?

26.なぜプロジェクトをリンクしているときに 'Undefined reference to malloc_getpagesize_P'が表示されますか?

When I build my project with Atollic TrueSTUDIO version 2.1.0 and later I get 'Undefined reference to `malloc_getpagesize_P`' when linking the project.

This is because in 2.1.0 and later it is possible to change the desired page size that malloc should use at link time.

Therefore the malloc_getpagesize_P symbol needs to be defined.

You can do this by adding the following flag to the linker flags:


This will set the default malloc page size to 4096 bytes, other proposed size for the pages is 128 bytes (0x80).



After using the product for some time, some users experience that build times are increasing. Except for the natural cause of an increased application size, this might also be caused by running a batch-build of many projects at the same time by mistake (as you might have added more projects to the workspace).

By issuing the menu command "Project, Build all", all opened projects in the workspace will be built in batch-mode. To build only one project (which is probably what you intend most often), either close all other projects and use the menu command "Project, Build all" again, or use the menu command "Project, Build Project" instead.

Closing a project is done by right-clicking on the project root node in the Project Explorer view tree, and selecting the "Close Project" menu command in the context menu.



The manual for the library can be found in the Information Center in the product or from the start menu.

The library is described in "C Runtime library" documentation.



User can set the compiler to use the C99 standard by adding the '-std=c99' switch to the c compiler tool.

Do this by right-clicking on your project and select properties.
Select the C/C++ build -> Settings node, and select the Tool Settings tab to the right.
Select your C Compiler and select the General node.
From the dropdown meny select C99.
Read more about the status of the C99 implementation on the following page: