Last update2016/05/28 14:38

JNI share libraryをロードできない

JNI share libraryをロードできない

This error message can be the result of two different problem types:


1. Something may be wrong in the installation of your web browser, so that tabs will not open correctly. Reinstall it or use another browser.


2. You are accessing the wrong version of Java. TrueSTUDIO® comes with it’s own JRE.

Edit TrueSTUDIO.ini and add these two first lines (make sure it is first in the file):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO for STMicroelectronics STM32 Lite 2.2.0\ide\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll

The second line is the full path to the jvm.dll that comes with TrueSTUDIO®.

If you use another Java-version TrueSTUDIO® may start, but may later not work as intended.

Java Virtual Machineを作成できない

Java Virtual Machineを作成できない

The most likely reason is that TrueSTUDIO® was configured to allocate too much memory.

Open the TrueSTUDIO.ini – file and change:




Or even:










Atollic TrueSTUDIO® has a very powerful windowing system, that allow developers to switch forwards and backwards across multiple window layouts (perspectives). By switching perspectives (i.e changing the window setup), developers will see a different set of windows and docking views, suitable for various purposes. But by changing perspective, background activities are not stopped, you only change what windows and views you currently see.

In particular, this means that by switching from the Debugger perspective, into for example the C/C++ perspective, the existing debug session is not stopped. You only temporarily change the window setup, and can at any time switch back to the debug session by switching back to the Debug perspective.

Effectively, this means that leaving the Debug perspective does not stop the debugger, as the debug session continues in the background. So by leaving the Debug perspective without first stopping execution of the application being debugged, the debug system continue to debug using the (most likely) one and only JTAG probe connected.

If you in this situation go back to the C/C++ perspective, make some code changes and rebuild the application, and try to start debugging the changed application, this will fail, as the debugger is still busy debugging the older version of the application, using your one and only JTAG probe.

To be able to start a new debug session, the currently running debug session must first be stopped, using the "red square" toolbar icon in the "Debug" view or using the "Run, Terminate" menu command.

Good practice is to always terminate the debug session before leaving the Debug perspective if you intend to restart a different debug session soon. If you still end up in this situation, switch to the Debug perspective, terminate the old debug session, switch back to the C/C++ perspective and launch a new debug session.

13.gdb-debug startup scriptはどこにありますか?

13.gdb-debug startup scriptはどこにありますか?

User can edit the debug startup script by opening your debug configuration.

Select the Run menu, and select the Debug Configurations selection.
Select your debug configuration to the left, and then select the Startup Debug tab to the right.