Last update2016/05/28 14:38

Back 現在地: Home パートナー Strategic Test パートナー Atollic 11.Memory View が0から始まるアドレス:0xA0000000、0x20000000などを表示できません

11.Memory View が0から始まるアドレス:0xA0000000、0x20000000などを表示できません

11.Memory View が0から始まるアドレス:0xA0000000、0x20000000などを表示できません

The problem is that Memory View is set to read some bytes before the address thatyou want information about. You can change that in “Table rendering preferences” for Memory View.

Loading mode is probably set to Automatic and “Number of lines to preload” to 20. The minimum number of rows to preload is 1 if Loading mode is set to Automatic.

Change Loading mode to Manual and the number of lines you want to display.

Another way to read the memory is to use the GDB-console. In the Debug perspective, mark the row with “arm-atollic-eabi-gdb# in the Debug view. Then open the Console view that normally is found at the bottom of the perspective.

This view now displays the console to GDB. In this window you can also write GDB commands. Normally it is easier to and best to control the debugger with buttons, menus and views but sometimes it can be better to be able to use a command directly.

To read 16 addresses hexadecimal from the memory, write this

x /16x 0x20000000

GDB will reply something like:

0x20000000: 0x0000ffff  0x40011c00  0x40011c00  0x40011c00

0x20000010: 0x40011c00  0x40013800  0x40004400  0x40010800

0x20000020: 0x40010800  0x40010800  0x40010800  0x08001ce0

0x20000030: 0x00180010  0x00000000  0x04030201  0x04030201