Last update2016/05/28 14:38



User needs an internet connection in order to install Atollic TrueSTUDIO®, however it is also possible to install your product on a computer without internet access. The internet connection is only used during the product registration phase of the installation procedure. For the registration to work, you will need access to another computer with connection to the internet. Preferable you should also be able to access your email on that computer.

Follow these steps:
•         Start the installation on your PC without internet connection.
•         Pause (don’t stop) the installation during the registration step.
•         Copy the Computer ID into some sort of document (doc or txt) and save the document on an USB-stick or other portable media.
•         Put it into the PC with internet-connection.
•         Surf to http://www.atollic.com/index.php/registerpro and register your copy of Atollic TrueSTUDIO® with the Computer Id you have on your USB-stick.
•         Wait for the email-reply. This should take just a few minutes.
•         Copy the Installation Key you receive in the email onto your USB-stick.
•         Move the stick to your PC without internet connection
•         Cut and paste the Installation Key into your on-going installation.

Doing this should ensure that you are able to install Atollic TrueSTUDIO®



It is not recommended that you launch the TrueSTUDIO installer from an USB-stick. Instead we recommend that you first copy the installer to your local hard drive and then start the installation there.

If you prefer to install from an USB-stick, you need to make sure the USB-stick isn’t write-protected and that it has at least 1.8 GB of free space for temporary files used during the installation.

It is also of course important that you never remove the USB-stick at any time during the installation, as this will make your installation fail.

Atollic TrueSTUDIOが利用するメモリをどのように管理するのでしょうか?


Atollic TrueSTUDIOが利用するメモリをどのように管理するのでしょうか?


Windows -> Preferences -> General and enable “Show heap status”.



ゴミ箱ボタンを押し、Atollic TrueSTUDIO®にメモリクリーンナップをさせます。通常、この動作は自動で行われます。

Atollic TrueSTUDIO®が割り当てられるメモリの領域には上限があります。システムが許容する以上のメモリ領域をAtollic TrueSTUDIO®が割り当てようとしてプログラムが壊れたときや、






ST microXplorerをどのように統合するのでしょうか?

ST microXplorerをどのように統合するのでしょうか?

ST MicroXplorer integrates into TrueSTUDIO but does however require a manual installation procedure.

For more information on ST MicroXplorer please visit:  http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/251717.jsp

Atollic TrueSTUDIO is able to integrate ST MicroXplorer by using the ST developed Eclipse plug-in. This plug-in can be downloaded using this link:  http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_FUNCTION/microxplorer_eclipseplug.zip

ST provides a user manual describing how to add this plug-in to your Eclipse based environment. This user manual does NOT apply to Atollic TrueSTUDIO, instead follow the description below.

  • Download the Eclipse plug-in linked above
  • Extract the content to a temporary folder
  • Move the content of the plugins folder into your TrueSTUDIO "plugins" folder (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO for ARM Pro 3.1.0\ide\plugins\):
  • Move the content of the feature folder into your TrueSTUDIO "features" folder (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO for ARM Pro 3.1.0\ide\features\):
  • Start TrueSTUDIO, "MicroXplorer" should now be available in the file menu. It is possible to open MicroXplorer as a view or as a separate perspective.



Atollic TrueSTUDIO uses the ARM embedded GCC toolchain with a few additional patches not yet in mainline. For more information on what this actually means please take a look at the white papers section, or use the following link Embedded development using the GNU toolchain for ARM® processors. Customers are always entitled to keep their old toolchains or their old TrueSTUDIO version (on the same computer in parallel) if this is desired.

Atollic TrueSTUDIO use the Newlib C library and the stdlibc++. The Newlib has been extended with some override functions for the "printf family" in order to reduce memory footprint when using printf().
In some cases you might need to implement some low-level syscalls for complete functionality.
For example, when using printf, the _write() function needs to be implemented in order to direct IO communication to a useful peripheral/port in your embedded target embedded target. With the CMSIS core libraries it is very easy to direct IO communicaton over UART or over the ITM-ports to the SWV Console.