Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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Atollic TrueSTUDIO uses the ARM embedded GCC toolchain with a few additional patches not yet in mainline. For more information on what this actually means please take a look at the white papers section, or use the following link Embedded development using the GNU toolchain for ARM® processors. Customers are always entitled to keep their old toolchains or their old TrueSTUDIO version (on the same computer in parallel) if this is desired.

Atollic TrueSTUDIO use the Newlib C library and the stdlibc++. The Newlib has been extended with some override functions for the "printf family" in order to reduce memory footprint when using printf().
In some cases you might need to implement some low-level syscalls for complete functionality.
For example, when using printf, the _write() function needs to be implemented in order to direct IO communication to a useful peripheral/port in your embedded target embedded target. With the CMSIS core libraries it is very easy to direct IO communicaton over UART or over the ITM-ports to the SWV Console.