Last update2016/05/28 14:38

Back 現在地: Home パートナー Strategic Test パートナー Atollic 8.compilerの最適化はどのように設定できますか?



The GNU C/C++ compiler (and hence Atollic TrueSTUDIO) have 3 levels of compiler optimization (-O0 for no optimization up to -O3 for full optimization), and one level for size optimization (-Os) which is commonly required in embedded projects. 

To enable compiler optimization in the commercial versions of Atollic TrueSTUDIO, select command line option (-O0 to -O3 or -Os as appropriate) from the dropdown list in the "C/C++ Build, Settings, C compiler, Optimization" panel in the "Project Properties" dialog box.

In the free Lite version, enter the desired command line option in the "Other options" field in the "C/C++ Build, Settings, C compiler, Miscellaneous" panel in the "Project Properties" dialog box.

In addition to the simplifed optimization settings mentioned above, about 100 optimization settings can be set individually using various command line options and #pragmas. Consult the compiler manual for details.