Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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Atollic TrueSTUDIO® provides a very handy way of moving a project, by first exporting the project to an archive file, that later can be imported into another TrueSTUDIO® installation or workspace.
This information applies to projects which do not have linked resources. Linked resources are resources such as files and folders that are not located somewhere else on storage media, other than the project workspace currently being used. Linked resources are pointed to so that they will be found when required. For example, older projects distributed by ST Microelectronics® use this technique to point resource from their Standard Peripheral Library, which is not included within the workspace of their examples. Use the following procedure for Importing and Exporting projects that have been built by hand or have been generated by the TrueSTUDIO® Project Wizard.
See the note at the end of the article for how to deal with projects that contain linked resources.

Note on debug configurations! The debug configuration for a project is by default stored in the workspace metadata. To include the debug configuration when exporting a project, please perform the following steps:
•    Select the project in the "Project Explorer" view.
•    Select the "Project->Properties" menu.
•    Select Run/Debug Settings.
•    Select the configuration and click "Edit".
•    Select "Save as->Shared file:" in the "Common" tab.
•    Click "Ok".
A new file, "my_config_name.launch", is now added to the project.

To export a project to an archive file, please perform the following steps:

•    Select the "File->Export" menu.
•    Select "General->Archive File".
•    Click "Next".
•    Select the project(s) that should be exported (all files in the project will be included by default).
•    Select destination and name for the archive.
•    Click "Finish".

The exported project (in the form of an archive file) can now be imported into another TrueSTUDIO installation or workspace, by using the corresponding import function.

To import a project from an archive file, please perform the following steps:
•    Select the "File->Import" menu.
•    Select "General->Existing Projects into Workspace".
•    Click "Next".
•    Select "Select archive file:" and browse to the archive containing the project(s).
•    Select the project(s) that should be imported from the archive.
•    Click "Finish".

Note on linked resources! When a project contains linked resources, the Export Wizard tries to resolve all paths so that the linked resources will be found after importing into another environment. This is done by creating relative paths that use the information at time of Export that tells the IDE where the resources are located. This information depends on the location of the linked resources relative to the project Workspace at time of Export. When the exported project is imported into a new location, there is no guarantee that this relative relationship will be preserved. In general, it is not.
The relative paths that were created during Export can be inspected by highlighting the project in the Project Explorer window, right-clicking, selecting "Properties -> C/C++ build-> Settings -> Tools Settings -> Compiler -> Directories". These settings can be edited to point to the linked resources when they are located in a different relative path to the new project Workspace location.