Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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Task Markers

Task markers are a very convenient way to add items to the TrueSTUDIO® task list. A task marker is generated when the string TODO is found in a comment in the source code. On deletion of the TODO comment, the task marker is also deleted.

You can customize the keywords which begin task markers in the preferences that you find by selecting Windows -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Task Tags.

The coloring and format of the Task markers are set in Windows -> Preferences ->C/C++ -> Editor -> Syntax Coloring. There you select the comments element and there you find tag-tasks.

These two settings are stored in the workspace and can be exported together with other preferences to other workspaces from Files -> Export -> Preferences and imported by selecting Files -> Import -> Preferences.

The task markers can be viewed in the task-view that is opened with Widows -> Show View -> Tasks. This view has a configuration that can be set so that some tasks are filtered out or highlighted.
If you select one or more task markers in this view, you can copy them and past them into a spreadsheet, such as Excel.

Task markers are normally auto-detected by the indexer but can also be added manually to a position in the file or as unassociated task markers.
The manually added task markers can be flagged as finished. The automatic ones are deleted just by deleting the text.

The task markers are associated with files and thus not exported when the file is exported.

They can be used to create Tasks in the Bug Database Client in TrueSTUDIO®. Just right-click the task marker and select New task from Marker… and then select what repository to store it in. If you don’t have any repository, it can always be stored locally.

These tasks are not the same as task markers and they can be viewed in the Task-list-view (not the same view as the Tasks-view). If you store them locally and want to export these new tasks into other project, you can select to export them by right-clicking them in the Task-list-View.