Last update2016/05/28 14:38

Back 現在地: Home パートナー Strategic Test パートナー Atollic 2.memory viewからメモリーを読み込むことができない

2.memory viewからメモリーを読み込むことができない

2.memory viewからメモリーを読み込むことができない

If it seems that only the ‘traditional’ rendering is OK and that you otherwise get “Target request failed: Unable red memory”, you need to change the table rendering preferences for the view to manually read the memory.

The reason for this is because, by default, for performance reasons, the debugger tries to preload data from memory before and after the visible memory region for all renderings. This is not done in the traditional rendering.

This results in the debugger trying to read the memory before 0x20000000, which it can’t' and after this error it won't read anything else. 

However, you can change this behavior by clicking the small downward arrow located in the top right corner of the memory view, next to the minimize and maximize view buttons.
Select Table rendering preferences and switch to manual memory loading mode instead of automatic.