Last update2016/05/28 14:38

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Almost all developers start with the Debug configuration for building, downloading and de bugging the behavior of software. There are two important properties of the debug build configuration:

· Complete symbolic information is emitted by the toolchain to help navigate through the information in the high level code during the debug process.

· The lowest level of optimization is normally used.

When code is found to behave as specified, a Release build with no symbolic debug information and high optimization level is usually built. After switching from Debug to Release, the target can be programmed by launching a debugging session. It is important to be cautious when doing so, as unexpected results may occur. The Atollic TrueSTUDIO® philosophy of resolving which executable image to program into the part must be considered carefully in this case.

List making and history keeping are important driving factors in determining the practical behavior of Atollic TrueSTUDIO® development environment.

It is possible to create multiple debug session configurations. This is done by clicking on the down arrow next to the debug icon and selecting debug configurations to bring up the list of existing configurations. By right clicking on an existing configuration, you enable the options to create a new one, duplicate the existing one or delete it. The easiest way to create a new configuration is duplicate an existing one, edit the configuration settings in the dialogue box, and then rename it. You may then toggle among the names of the debug session configurations in the list, if needed to launch the most suitable session for the task at hand.

If the user does not explicitly choose a debug session configuration from an existing list, then Atollic TrueSTUDIO® by default will launch the last debug session configuration that was used. If a developer has been debugging a build created in the Debug build configuration, then switched to the Release build configuration, and launches a debug session by clicking on the debugging icon, Atollic TrueSTUDIO®will fetch the last debugging session configuration, which specifies that the Debug build image is to be programmed into the part. Atollic TrueSTUDIO® has no provision to use a debug session configuration that fetches the image built from the Release configuration and programs that image into the part. This behavior is different from some toolchains that automatically reconfigure their debug launch mechanisms to use the built image from the current build configuration. In TrueSTUDIO®, the user must explicitly create a debug session configuration that uses the build image that is appropriate after switching among build configurations.

For example, the location of the build image built in the Debug configuration for a Project Wizard generated project in the debug session configuration dialogue box is shown here:

The Project Wizard puts Debug and Release folders in the project folder within the workspace. To fetch the image built using the Release configuration, the user may use the Browse button to locate the image, or simply change Debug in the above path to Release and then rename the debug session configuration and switch to it for use.

If desired, other properties of the new debug session configuration can be edited to achieve a desired behavior. For example, setting the temporary breakpoint at the first line of main() could be commented out in the dialogue box under the Startup Debug-tab. In this way it is possible to simply program the part and start execution (load and go) functionality, which is probably the most desirable use case when using a Release build.